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We provide support and services for people with learning differences such as dyslexia, other specific learning difficulties (SLD), neuro-diversities and attention deficit hyper-activity disorder (ADHD).

Enabling People To Reach Their Full Potential

Kia ora! Tēnā koutou!

Enabling every individual with SLD or ADHD has their learning needs recognised and met; and for educators and other agencies to share knowledge in a collaborative way for the good of all.


Using a variety of assessment tools, areas of strength and weakness will be identified and form the basis of a detailed personalised recommendation.


Online SLD training for parents and educational professionals. SPELADD Tutor Training for those with teaching/teacher aide experience.


Is your child’s learning or behaviour puzzling you, or have you a student in your class whose learning profile is a puzzle?


Look over our range to see what might be suitable for you.

Our Mission:

Pre-school, Primary age children,
Teenagers, Adults

To enable and facilitate the recognition, remediation and referral of those who learn differently to encourage their success and enjoyment of life-long learning.

“The first place I have been to
where I feel it has made a difference”

Get in touch to make an appointment today.