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Aimed at teachers, parents, teacher aides and more. 7 seminar videos (approx. 8 hrs) that can be accessed and studied at someone’s own pace.

Seminars now available online $100      |      Tutor training $45

SPELADD NZ Inc. presents online seminars on
Specific Learning Disabilities:

  • A brief history of SPELADD

    • Learning and behaviour differences & factors to rule out

    • Learning disabilities – What are they and how to help

  • Targeted interventions

    • Understanding the brain

    • Bridging to life

    • Explicit teaching

    • Transparent teaching

    • Goals and targets

  • The Gut Brain Connection

  • Dealing with the meltdowns

  • Teaching methods that work

    • Reading and Maths​

  • Why movement matters

  • Training for Motor control

  • How to become a SPELADD tutor

Tutor Training

SPELADD NZ Inc. offers SLD specific tutor training. Training is held in the office in Palmerston North, consisting of 10-15 hours of expert training (date and time tbc with you and trainer).

You must have teaching/teacher aide experience. The Seminars are a pre-requisite to the SPELADD tutor training.

  • ‘The seminars presented by Jess have been among the most useful professional development opportunities I have experienced as a classroom teacher and an RTLB. Our classrooms are “busier” than ever these days. Students with ADHD and High Functioning Autism often really struggle in modern learning environments. The triggers for frustration and meltdown are numerous. Jess presented this aspect of the seminars particularly well. The strategies for supporting the students were helpful as they could easily be implemented in a classroom. Her insights in recognizing signs of behavioural outbursts like throwing furniture etc, and how to de-escalate these scenarios showed much-needed empathy for the student.

    Understanding the physiological aspects of learning disabilities i.e. how the brain functions, is important, and Jess explained this with clarity.’

  • There are many different factors that can contribute to the behaviours and learning difficulties that we see in the classroom. We need a multi-dimensional view of what is happening.

  • “I found it an invaluable extension on my own training that will help me work with children with learning difficulties. I think this training should be included in all … teacher training.”
  • Thanks so much, I learnt a massive amount that will make a difference to my practice and has given me a better understanding of the challenges …people face.
  • I like the way we have learnt about the functioning of the brain and it has given me a better understanding of learning disabilities ….and also learnt about the importance of diet and sleep in a child’s life. I am amazed that these lessons are not given to teachers that are learning at the college of education because it would give a teacher clarity about learning disabilities and how to address it a classroom as a teacher.
  • A huge thank you Jess for an amazing and informative 3 days. You were so flexible with your delivery and responsive. We need to clone you and have your expertise throughout our schools.
  • Very helpful in understanding the learning disabilities of my own children.