Contact SPELADD for an appointment with a trained, experienced assessor.
Using a variety of assessment tools, areas of strength and weakness will be identified and form the basis of a detailed personalised recommendation.
An assessment takes up to three hours and is in the form of an interview and a series of tests. Parents are welcome to attend.
A full report written by our assessor is then emailed out. This will determine what to do next.
A follow-up discussion of results is recommended.
A SPELADD assessment report is not a comprehensive psychological or medical assessment or medical diagnosis but is the assessor’s professional opinion based on the information available at the time of the assessment.
SPELADD assessor hold not only psychology qualifications but also educational qualifications. Our assessors are highly experienced with identifying numerous learning differences. The assessors will identify the areas of strength and weakness for each client and will give thorough information on what can be done to improve these weaknesses. The assessors are continually updating their knowledge on learning differences, and researching new innovations, helping agencies and services that may be beneficial to our clients. They are also extremely friendly and supportive throughout the assessment process to ensure stress levels are minimised and full abilities are evident.
The reports they produce are not a comprehensive psychological or medical assessment, or a medical diagnosis, but is their professional opinion based on the information available at this time.

Full Assessment
Second child: $420
with Community Services Card or
Full-time student card: $230
Second child with CSC: $170
A full assessment lasts for between 2 to 3 hours. Included in that time will be tasks including reading and writing, but also balance and coordination, checking how the clients’ eyes and ears are working, so that the assessor can get a full picture of how someone learns and processes information. From these results, a comprehensive report is produced, showing all the strengths and weaknesses. Advice and guidance is provided on how to strengthen the weaker areas, whether that is tips for the learner, guidance for a teacher and/or parent, or the recommendation of a third party (Helping Agency or tutor). SPELADD will be there to support and guide with all the report findings.
Includes first-year membership subscription.

with Community Services Card $170
A re-assessment lasts for 1-1.5 hours and includes a renewal of the annual membership. It is recommended that clients are re-assessed within 2 years of the original assessment of 40 lessons with a tutor. The test often affirms with students that they are making progress and have increased in self confidence. Original assessments indicate highest needs or the most important areas of learning . With many difficulties some minor issues may not be touched or worked on but will become more obvious in time. The re-assessment can highlight other areas that may have been masked by more obvious needs.
Within two years.