This book was written by SPELADD NZ’s in response to pleas for help from teachers and parents wanting to know more about Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). We have sifted through a vast number of books and proven techniques to produce this book and save you the time needed to search for all the answers yourself.
Classroom teachers can readily identify students who have severe problems with learning. The intention of this booklet is to ensure that those with moderate to subtle problems can, not only be identified, but also helped. Any strategies used with students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) can be used with all students.
Although it is not a research document, this book is research-based. However, it must be realised that all students are individuals and, just because a technique is ‘proven’ does not mean it will work with all students.
The main reason for this book is a concern about the students in every class who a puzzle to their teachers, their families and to themselves. This book is designed to help teachers identify and set in place strategies to make the classroom life of teachers, the SLD students and the other students more productive and, therefore, happier.
This book is made up of explanations, identifications and strategies that can be used as a basis for an individualised education programme (IEP) or to alert parents to the fact that their child could have a specific learning problem. For the student’s sake, it is essential that these areas of concern are identified early and identified correctly.